4 hour layover? Well, I suppose I don't mind. With the first flight being a mere hour long, I barely had a chance to grasp the pages of one chapter in my book (The Secret Life of Bees, to be exact). Thank goodness they let me keep my Vera Bradley as a carry on but they made me "Valet Check It" and sadly, I must admit, that my first emotion was one of panic as I became overly concerned that they were carting away my snacks. TIS MY LIFE, PEOPLE.
Also, I seem to consistently be in the half of the group that gets left behind. They have changed our gate a grand total of three times and each time, me and my posse have been on the down and out on knowing about it! I guess it wouldn't be an international flight without some obstacles first, haha. As a result, we have designated ourselves to be different characters from Mean Girls in order to pass along the hilarity of the whole situation. Surprise, surprise, I got voted to be Regina . . .
Wish I could spend some legit time here in NC! Instead, here is my shout out to my love, Nick Davis! :)
So excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it. *actively stalks blog* <3